Monday, May 3

MS Walk 2010!

Yesterday was the MS Walk, it was a blast! We walked for a bit...the options for walks were a 1'ish mile walk, a 2.3 mile walk and a 6.6 mile walk...we took a short cut over a bridge and through a church parking lot and through some grass but we made it back to the over side of the river. Luckily I sucked up the pain in my knee to walk because honestly there was no way I was not walking. Sure, I was a bit slow, but I did it and couldn't be happier. Luckily us soon to be college grads are smart enough to read a map to figure out our own short cut route...Anyways, here are some pictures of the highlights from the day, enjoy!

<---We posed as a train...yup, you guessed it, it was super early and we were in a very strange mood :)


  SNOOPY! ---> 
 (I get the feeling Snoopy and his friend who took the picture were trying to get us to buy insurance...but we pretended he was just there for pictures)

<----Apparently I didn't want to smile 


                           We survived!  -->

<----- Post walk snack time...Jess apparently was really enjoying her snack :)

So all in all we raised a whopping $1,259! 

Tomorrow I am off to my house bright and early at 8am because my knee looks and feels horrible. 

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