Sunday, July 12

shit shit shit

Today while I was shopping for sandals for California, my ring finger on my left hand started spread to my pinkie..and then part of my hand...and now that's still number plus my calf, part of my thigh and some of my toes.

My mom, of course was ready to drive to the ER and I was trying to avoid the 90 mile drive to go hang out in the ER...but I called the answering service of my doctors office and was able to talk to the neurologist that is working today and he just said to come in for my appointment tomorrow and see what my doctor thinks. As long as I don't have changes in my vision, pain or shit I forgot the other one, I don't have to go in, but yeah, as I type my elbow is going numb...

My mom is freaking out, but I figure my right hand and foot has been numb since last its really not a new feeling...and I really only need my right foot to drive so I'm all set in my mind...

Craziness I say, pure craziness...

1 comment:

  1. Don't panic. These things can come and go. My arms went numb from the elbows down a few weeks ago and I couldn't drive but a few hours later things cleared up and I was better. I am learning when symptoms emerge to get as much rest as possible. It doesn't necessarily make things go away but this summer, I have managed to stay off steroids by resting through my physical trials. Hang in there!


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