Monday, January 25

A bit late...but better that never...Tysabri #14

Last Friday I had my 14th Tysabri infusion. All went well, Steph and I were actually the only ones in the infusion room, which meant that we got the TV all to ourselves and could watch all the Wife Swap that we could handle.

Afterwards I felt pretty crappy, so we did a little shopping and went to dinner at a burger place called Five Guys Burger and Fries. All I can say is yummmmm. We rented Gamer...I have no idea why I picked that, but we both sat there and were just a bit confused at what was going on.

I still don't feel all that great but I can blame it on the weather, part of the day was about 54 degrees, and rainy...and it was like spring...but in the middle of winter. Sometimes CNY confuses me...

Ok, now back to read all the blogs I haven't read in a while...

1 comment:

I absolutely love comments! You know you wanna leave one...