I am also on this whole watch what I eat craze. Not like calorie counting, but like cutting way back on the overly processed foods and eating things that are a lot less processed. So goodbye hot pockets and hello homemade chicken meatballs. My roommates think I am insane, but in a good insane kind of way. I even made these super yummy banana oat muffins with homemade apple sauce and basically I didn't add all the extra sugar and nonsense normal muffins have.
So, not only have I been feeling better, I eat better, I'm becoming on heck of a cooking queen, and oh yeah I kinda sorta fit into my pre-MS jeans (thats right, pre-MS jeans people)...cause well, lets face it, I buried my feelings in a giant bowl of cake, topped with ice cream and hot fudge...and plus steroids make you so freakin' hungry!
I guess I will end it here, I have Zumba (which is actually helping with my coordination skills which is pretty darn cool) in 50 minutes and class at 6...which gives me a whopping 1 hour in between those to magically shower, look somewhat presentable for class, and stuff some healthy food in my body...always, always, amusing.
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