Saturday, October 31

Yesterday as I was walking out to my car to head to school I managed to trip over air and roll my ankle. Of course its my ankle that I cant really feel and I definitely can't feel my foot either from a previous MS attack. So I just decided to head to school anyway... I soon however realised the my foot was throbbing in pain as I drove, one of those it hurts so much you're going to throw-up kinda pains. Long story short it still hurts, I woke up this morning to it throbbing...

But, its just another bump in the road...

I also got my swine-flu vaccine school decided yesterday to open vaccines to everyone on campus so I went after school to grab one to find health services mobbed. Luckily I had printed out my email stating that I was in the "top priority" category on campus so as soon as I signed my form I was called back and injected. I forgot that injection hurt when they get into your muscle...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph,
    Hope your ankle is better soon.
    Came by to say hello and wish you a good Halloween weekend.


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