Thursday, May 14


Yesterday around 1, I drove out to Rochester, where my best friend, Steph, lives. All in all it was a 104 mile drive, and then I was lucky enough to be stuck in traffic on the thruway for an extra 30ish minutes going a whooping 5 miles a hour. 

Steph and I went to the Lilac Festival, which was alot of fun. I am not a big flower person, but I don't mind the smell of lilacs once in a while. Plus, they were really pretty and it was nice just to get out and have some fun. We met up with two of Steph's high school friends and grabbed a afternoon snack and hung out.

We headed back to Steph's house and had dinner, which I always enjoy with her family, everyone is so down to earth and its just nice. Last night I was supposed to have the 3rd MS group meeting...well my directions took me to the wrong side of town, and I got lost in Rochester. The place we were supposed to meet was new, so I couldn't find the address...well I found what I thought to be the address but just ended up wandering around. I finally found it about 30ish minutes late, walked in a didn't see anyone I recognized. By that time the 5 1/2ish hours I had spent in the car caught up with me and I just lost it. I was tired, and frustrated and had to call a friend to calm me down. 

So, I ended up driving back early and luckily I was left a spare key for the house because no one was home at Stephs for about a hour...but when everyone got back we spent the night gathered around the tv watching Lost and then Steph and I stayed up late catching up on everything that has been going on.

Fast forward to today...I woke up sick, nasty nasty sick, but luckily everything cleared up before my trip for Tysabri. It was my 5th infusion and it went well. I usually sit and listen to my ipod  but this time a kid started talking to me and we started comparing horror stories...I was surprised to find out that he did not have MS, he actually has Guillain- Barre syndrome, which is a debilitating nerve destroying become prevalent after getting a flu shot this past February...Only being a year out of high school him and I had alot in common so it was good to actually have someone to talk to during my treatment. As we both had neurological disorders in common we swapped stories on life on the 5th floor of the hospital as well as just how we explain our issues to friends...we swapped info so I guess I will be having a new facebook friend and maybe coffee house buddy in the future...

Now I am back home after a busy 24 hours...time to drink some fluids and relax and the rain starts to pour down.

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