Wednesday, September 23

A few extras...

The weather here has been particularly strange for the beginning of fall in CNY...instead of cool, its oddly warm and humid...its just messing with my sinuses and allergies. Once again I have found myself to be living on Claritin.

Last night I blogged after the MS event, and I definitely do not want to discourage anyone from attending a event, I highly support and suggest attending just to be able to meet people in similar experiences. When I first was diagnosed with MS I often found myself thinking "omg I am the only one with it." Ok year, I may be the only one on campus with it, but I am not the only one out there. Becoming a member in a support group helped me realize that I was not alone, other people are going though this.

While the event didn't really answer the types of questions in my mind I certainly could see the benefits of attending.

In other news and randomness, today is my open house for the high school I am student teaching in. Its a very odd time,5-7, so I hope that I get to meet some parents and get the full experience. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in Central New York too and I'm on prednisone (yay sweating -.-) right now so I'm loving the cooler weather we're beginning to have! I think the one benefit to living here is the fall. It's absolutely lovely!


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