Friday, September 18

Post Secrets!

Last night my roommates and I attended a Post Secret event. I mention Post Secrets a few weeks ago but the chance came up to go to a Post Secret event at a local university. We all bought tickets and went last night. It was a really nice event, Frank (the creator) shared his insights and the background of the project. We got to meet Frank, got his autograph and a picture with him! It was a fun night. We met up with two of our friends at the event and went for milkshakes and fries at a local diner afterward.

Oddly enough, on the way home I had stopped for gas, and the pump was working funny and printed me a reciept for like .34 ccents in, so I swipped my card agian and filled the tank. When I checked my email I had a urgent email from discover from the fraud team. I called and apparently my tickets for the Post Secrets and my gas purchase looked like fraudulent purchases...strange...

Today I have observations in the classroom that I will kind of take over as a student teacher Oct. 1st so I have a 30min'ish drive to begin in a few minutes...

Thanks to everyones comments from yesterdays gave me the little push I needed to go! Of course I will definitely blog afterward!

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