Sunday, January 25

-insert title here-

its not that i dont care...its more of a "i dont give a damn" attitude. i was watching mtv true life were people were addicted to perspiration pills and all they do is complain and shit...but umm didnt they choose to take the pills... i am pretty sure no one crushed them up and snorted them for them...

i hate that people complain so much for things that they can change. i would love to give up ms...

one of my suite mates was talking about her vitamin d deficiency last night. after my first attack, she had like symptoms that kinda pointed at mono. her parents took her to the er one day..and she didnt make it past the first room...she was turned away and given some sleeping pills. turns out she had a vitiamin d deficiency. so she has to take a pill, get some sun and drink some milk or eat some cheese for a few months...well its been a few months and i had to here all about her story again last night and all i could think in my head was " ughhh are you seriously telling me, the girl who spent a total of over 3 weeks in the, the girl that actually has a lifelong"
but then i started to think that i am a horrible person because obviously she doesnt understand and i should have a bit understanding because i should understand that being sick sucks...but i kinda think i am a bit self centered...a bit bitching and a bit too "i dont give a damn"

a stitch is sticking out of my neck, its itches and its gross...but i am too of a wimp to pull it out

5 classes tomorrow...better rest up...

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