today in consumer behavior we took a test to find out if we were introverted or we really didnt know. but never the less we took this quiz and added up our scores it was rated like 40 the most extroverted and like 2 hundred something was the most introverted. we had to tell our professor our scores and mine was like 154...the most introverted by 20 point. only one other kid had a score over 110...a kid called my score super high...stupid, crazy, out going bitches...
i have been shy my whole life...i am used to is time the rest of the world deals with it...i soo cant stand when professors call me out on being quiet...i am loud and random and stupid when i need to be. i see nothing wrong with being quiet in school...seriously i get to laugh when the loud outgoing kids mess up
basketball game on at 7...cant wait...
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